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5 Things to Avoid When Sending Chinese New Year Customised Gifts

· gift ideas singapore,customised gifts sg,Arch Heritage,heritage gifts,heritage gifts sg
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Gong Xi Fa Cai! Chinese New Year is just around the corner, so if you haven't had a chance to give customised gifts last year's Christmas, then it's time for you to redeem yourself, and make an ultimate effort to give the best impression. Here are things that you need to avoid when sending Chinese New Year customised gifts.

1. Unlucky Number 4 - Sounds Like Death
Chinese tradition believes that the number 4 (四 sì /srr/) has a similar pronunciation of the word for death (死 sǐ). That’s why you shouldn’t give customised gifts in sets or multiples of four, because Chinese people consider it as an unlucky number that represents death.

2. Pointed Objects - Cutting Ties
If you ever run out of handmade gift ideas, never give anyone, especially Chinese people pointed objects like a knife, scissors or cutter, because these things indicate that you want to cut off your ties with them. This belief started in the common Chinese proverb says “One slash and its in two parts”, which means ending the existing relationship.

3. Shoes - Sounds Like Evil
Unlike in other cultures, giving shoes is a bad idea in the Chinese culture, because the word “Shoes” (鞋 xié /syeah/) has the exact sounding of the word Bad luck or evil (邪 xié). That’s why in all cost, avoid giving shoes, even as heritage gifts from ancestors.

4. Clocks - Symbolizes as Running Out of Time
Don’t send customised gifts like clocks or watches, because “giving a clock” sounds like the Chinese words for “Attending a funeral” (送终 sòng zhōng), which is one giving someone a clock translates to a person that he or she is running of time.

5. Black and White Objects - Colours Often Used in Funeral
Black and White are colours often used in funeral service. That’s why, if you are planning to send customised gifts this Chinese New Year, you should avoid using these colours and try to use a bright colour like red or gold, because these represent.

Familiarise with these things you need to avoid when sending your customised gifts this Chinese New Year. But if you haven’t found the customised gifts, then contact Arch Heritage in Singapore as they can help you think of handmade gifts ideas.
